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Motion Control Quick Start (14-2) | Common Motion Control Commands For Zmotion Motion Controller

Motion Control Quick Start Knowledge keeps moving.
Before, we had learned: 
quick start (1) -- firmware update
quick start (2) -- ZBasic program development
quick start (3) -- ZPLC program development
quick start (4) -- Communicate with HMI
quick start (5) -- IO Input & Output 
quick start (6) -- Data Storage
quick start (7) -- ZCAN Expansion Module
quick start (8) -- EtherCAT Expansion Module
quick start (9) -- Oscilloscope
quick start (10)--Multiple Task Operation
quick start (11)--Interrupt Application on Zmotion motion controller
quick start (12)--How To Use U Disk Interface For Zmotion Motion Controller
quick start (13)--How To Use ZDevelop Programming Software
quick start (14-1)--Zmotion Programming Axis Parameters Introduction

Hi, everyone, nice to meet you.

In last "Motion Control Quick Start" article, we talked about ZMotion motion controller programming axis parameters. Today, let's continue, the second part, that is, basic motion control instructions of  Zmotion motion controller .

1. Material Preparation

One computer that is installed ZDevelop V3.10 or above versions

One controller

One 24V DC power supply

A series of bus driver + motor / stepper driver + motor

A series of controller wiring terminals

A series of network cables

A series of connecting cables

(According to actual requirements, select input and output devices, expansion module, hmi, etc.



2.  Motion Status of Common Axis Motion


Axis running states can be viewed through axis parameter window, or through reading  return values of corresponding command.

(1) MTYPE - Current Motion Type

Read the type of motion instruction currently in progress. It belongs to read-onlyparameter. It gets the instruction returned value form, then checks the current axis motion type.

Grammar: VAR1 = MTYPE

When the interpolation is linked, the slave axis always returns to the motion command type of the master axis.

(2) NTYPE - Motion Type of Next Motion

Read the type of the first instruction following the currently running motion instruction. It belongs to read-only parameter, check from the form after getting the return value of the command.

Grammar: VAR1 = MTYPE

When the interpolation is linked, the slave axis always returns to the motion command type of the master axis.


(3) IDLE - Current Motion Status

The IDLE command is used to judge whether the motion command added to the axis is completed, and returns 0 during motion, and returns -1 when motion ends.

It is a read-only parameter, and the WAIT IDLE (axis No.) statement is generally used in the program to judge the state of the axis.

When the axis is associated with a robotic arm, using CONNFRAME for inverse kinematic, the joint axis will always return 0, if using CONNREFRAME for forward kinematic, the virtual axis will always return 0.

For example:









DPOS = 0,0,0



MOVE(100,100)   'axis 0 and axis 1 do linear interpolation

MOVE(200) AXIS(2)       'axis 2 movement


'wait for axes 0, 1, and 2 to stop



(4) MSPEED - Actual Measured Speed

It is the axis measurement feedback position speed, the unit is UNITS/S, also it belongs to read-only parameter.

When in interpolation motion, sub-speed of each axis is read.

(5) VP_SPEED - Current Motion Speed

It is the speed of current axis, the unit is UNITS/S, also it belongs to read-only parameter.

When multi-axis is in motion, what the main axis returns is the speed of the interpolation motion, not the sub-speed of the master axis. The non-spindle returns the corresponding sub-speed, which is consistent with the effect of MSPEED.

By default, VP_SPEED is designed to display multi-axis composite speed, and it has no negative value. Unless the value of bit0 of the SYSTEM_ZSET command is set to 0, it can be used to display the single-axis command speed, which can be positive or negative.

For example:


ATYPE=1 ,1

DPOS=0 , 0                'coordinates are cleared to 0

UNITS=100,100        'pulse amount

SPEED =100,100      'main axis speed

ACCEL=1000,1000   'acceleration

DECEL=1000,1000   'deceleration

TRIGGER                    'automatically trigger the oscilloscope

MOVE(100,100)         'each axis moves 100

Running result:

In interpolation motion, axis 0 is the main axis, and VP_SPEED(0) returns the composite speed of interpolation motion.


(6) AXISSTATUS - Axis Status

Check the various states of the axis, display the value in decimal, and judge the state by the corresponding bit in binary, please note multiple errors can occur at the same time.

However, the axis parameter window is displayed in octal, it can be converted into decimal system through PRINT command.

For example:

?AXISSTATUS(1)       'check the status of axis 1, printed result: 576, which means that the positive soft limit is exceeded when finding the origin, and the displayed value in the axis parameter window: 240h

(7) AXIS_STOPREASON - Axis Stop Reason

Latch axis history stop reasons, write 0 to clear, latch bit by bit automatically. Attention, the information of AXISSTATUS is latched.


3.   Common Motion Control Commands

(1) VMOVE - Continuous Motion

Grammar: VMOVE (motion direction) [AXIS (axis No.)]

Movement direction: -1 negative, 1 positive

After VMOVE is executed, unless CANCEL or RAPIDSTOP is used to clear the motion buffers, otherwise it will keep running.

When the previous VMOVE movement does not stop, the following VMOVE command will automatically replace the previous VMOVE command and modify the direction, so there is no need to CANCEL the previous VMOVE command.

For example:

BASE(0)                   'select axis 0         

ATYPE=1                 'axis type is pulse axis

DPOS=0                   'clear the coordinates to 0

UNITS=100              'pulse amount

SPEED=100              'main axis speed

ACCEL=1000            'acceleration

DECEL=1000             'deceleration

TRIGGER                    'automatically trigger the oscilloscope

VMOVE(1)  AXIS(0)   'axis 0 moves forward at the SPEED speed, same effect as FORWARD command.

VMOVE(-1)  AXIS(0)  'axis 0 moves inversely at the SPEED speed, same effect as REVERSE command.


CANCEL(2)  AIXS(0)   'cancel AXIS(0) current motion

WAIT IDLE(0)               'wait for axis 0 motion to stop  


(2) FORWARD - Continuous Forward Motion

Grammar: FORWA RD [AXIS (axis No.) ]

Make the axis move forward at the speed of SPPED , and switch to REVERSE only after CANCEL.

(3) REVERSE - Continuous Reverse Motion

Grammar: REVERSE [AXIS (axis No.)]

Make the axis move inversely at the speed of SPPED, and switch to FORWARD only after CANCEL.

For example:

BASE(0)                       'select axis 0

ATYPE=1                     'pulse axis type

DPOS=0                      'the coordinates are cleared to 0

UNITS=100                  'pulse equivalent

SPEED =100                 'main axis speed

ACCEL=1000                'acceleration

DECEL=1000                'deceleration

TRIGGER                      'automatically trigger the oscilloscope

FS_LIMIT=200              'set positive soft limit to 200units

FORWARD AXIS(0)       'make axis 0 always move forward at the speed of SPPED


FS_LIMIT=200       'forward soft position limit 200

FORWARD AXIS(0) 'forward motion


RS_LIMIT=300       'reverse soft position limit -300

REVERSE AXIS(0)    'negative motion

(4) DATUM - Find the Origin For Single-axis

Grammar: DATUM (mode value)

Single-axis homing movement. When multiple axes return to zero, it needs to call this command multiple times. There are several modes that can be selected.


Adding 10 to the mode value means reverse search after encountering the limit, and will not stop when encountering the limit. For example, 13 = mode 3 + limit reverse search 10, which is used when the origin is in the middle.

Add 100 to the mode value (modes 100+n and 110+n correspond to n and 10+n respectively) , ATYPE=4 or 65, which means that MPOS can be automatically cleared after connecting to the encoder (only for 4 series), other modes MPOS can only be cleared manually.  

For more modes description, please refer to  Motion Controller Homing Configuration .


Grammar: CANCEL (mode)/RAPIDSTOP (mode)

Both CANCEL and RAPIDSTOP have four modes. The difference between the two is that CANCEL is a single axis/axis group stop command, and RAPIDSTOP is to stop all axes.


The deceleration of mode 2 is the maximum value among FASTDEC fast deceleration and DECEL deceleration. After using the instruction, if you want to call the absolute position movement, you must first wait for the stop to complete with WAIT IDLE.

When the axis No. is added, then target axis will be stopped, for example, CANCEL A XIS (1) . If needs to stop the motor rapidly, it is recommended to use RAPIDSTOP(2) or CANCEL(2) .

In addition, CANCEL command can be used to stop main axis in interpolation axis or and axis in BASE axis list.

For example:








DECEL=1000       'deceleration

FASTDEC=10000 'fast deceleration


MOVE(1000)        'current movement

MOVE(-1000)      'buffer movement

'DELAY(1000)       'delay


Take the CANCEL command as an example, the execution effects of the four modes are shown in the figure below.









(6) MOVE - Linear Interpolation

Grammar: MOVE(distance1 [,distance2 [,distance3 [,distance4...]]])

There are single-axis linear motion or multi-axis linear interpolation motion, in relative motion distance. For absolute linear interpolation, it uses the MOVEABS instruction.

Actually, interpolation is a real-time data densification process. According to the given information, digital calculation is carried out, and the feed amount of each coordinate axis participating in the movement is continuously calculated, then the corresponding execution parts are respectively driven to produce coordinated movement, so that the controlled mechanical parts move according to the desired route and speed.

During interpolation motion, only the master axis speed parameter is valid. The spindle is the first axis of BASE. And the motion refers to the parameters of this axis. Then the interpolation motion command enters the motion buffer of the main axis.

What's more, it supports different types of axis hybrid interpolation.

Interpolation movement distance:


Interpolation motion speed: SPEED is set to main axis speed V0, each sub-axis speed Vn=V0×Xn/X.

For example:









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