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Delta Parallel Robotic Arm by C# | Camera Calibration & Shape Matching


Delta Parallel Robotic Arm by C# | How to Do Kinematic and Manual


Delta Parallel Robotic Arm by C# | How to Do Camera Calibration & Shape Matching


Delta Parallel Robotic Arm by C# | How to Do Synchronous Sorting

Therefore, today, Zmotion shares "how to calibrate camera and match shape through C# for Delta robotic arm" , that is, the vision part.

Then, we combine our "vision motion controller" with C# to achieve that.

"Vision Motion Controller" -- "VPLCXXX" -- "VPLC711"

VPLC711 is one Windows high-performance machine vision EtherCAT motion controller based on x86 platform. It is not powerful, but also is flexible, like, multi-channel high-speed hardware IN and multi-channel high-speed PSO OUT, these two kinds of functions can achieve multi-axis synchronous motion precisely, and do multi-protocol high-speed communication with external devices.


VPLC711 EtherCAT vision motion controller has many kinds of hardware interfaces and communication protocols, which means it is easy to connect and integrate with other devices. And it supports vision processing function, specifically, it can real-time process image data, then achieve vision detection, vision measurement, vision positioning, etc.


What's more, there is one motion control real-time kernel MotionRT7 built in VPLC711, which can provide one flexible integrated motion control + vision control solution.



VPLC711 Video Introduction

For more information, like, specific resources, hardware wiring, please check corresponding manual -- VPLC711 EtherCAT Vision Motion Controller User Manual.

0 1
C# Delta Robotic Arm
How to Add Motion and Vision Libraries for Delta Robotic Arm by C

Here, use VS2010.

Step 1: Build One Project

--click "File" - "New" - "Project"--

--select "Visual C#", .Net Framework 4 and Windows program--

Step 2: Obtain Zmotion C# Library

--method 1: find corresponding library in Zmotion website "download", then download by yourself--

--method 2: contact us, send the corresponding library to you--

Step 3: Develop by Zmotion C# Library File

Note: the downloaded library is "motion control library", if you need vision function, please obtain vision library from us.

--copy "Zmcaux.cs" (motion library) and "Zvision.cs" (vision library) files into new built project--


--put zauxdll.dll, zmotion.dll, and zvision.dll files into folder of bin\debug--


--open the file, and click "show all files" in the "solution resource manager", and right click "Zmcaux.cs" and "Zvision.cs" files, then click "include in project".

Step 4: Edit

--double click "Form 1" of "Form 1.cs"--

--edit "using cszmcaux" and "using ZVision" at the beginning--

--state controller handle "g_handle"--


0 2
C# Delta Robotic Arm
Main PC Commands for Delta

In "PC Function Library Programming Manual”, you can check all encapsulated commands. It can be downloaded here or contact us directly.

Here, it will show Delta related commands.

(1) Connect to Controller -- ZAux_OpenEth


(2) Scan Camera -- CAM_SCAN


(3) Acquit Image -- CAM_GET


(4) Create Template by Image -- ZV_SHAPECREATERE


(5) Match Shape & Output Contour State -- ZV_SHAPEFINDST


0 3
C# Delta Robotic Arm
One Routine:  How C# Calibrates Camera and Matches Shape

(1) How to Download Vision Configuration File

At first, it needs to define "vision processing" related variables in the controller before development, because our vision algorithm is executed in the controller.

Generally, vision variables in the Zmotion controllers use ZVOBJECT. For example, we can create one new .bas file, then enter "GLOBAL ZVOBJECT ZVOBJ (1000)" to do vision variable array's definition. After it is saved, download this .bas file into controller when initializing system by PC interface.

//download relative script to controller, then define vision variables

string BasPath = "";

BasPath = string.Format(@"{0}", Application.StartupPath) + @"\Icon\Vision Var Define.bas";

//.bas file is downloaded into controller


(2) How to Calibrate Camera


A. Operation Steps


B. Relative Functions' Codes


'Task No.: /

'Function of this function: visually extract the pixel coordinates of the solid circle on the calibration plate and obtain the matrix of the pixel coordinates of the center of the calibration plate.

'Input: /

'Output: /

'Returned Value: /            


private void GetPictureMark()


    float[] temp_thresh = new float[2];

    int Err = 0;

    //extract circle center’s image coordinate, obtain pixel coordinate’s matrix “Inppts”

    Err = Zvision.ZV_CALGETSCAPTS(form.g_Handle, grabimg, inppts, Convert.ToUInt32(C_CalibThresh.Text), Convert.ToUInt32(C_CalibPolar.Text), Convert.ToUInt32(C_CalibMinArea.Text), Convert.ToUInt32(C_CalibMaxArea.Text));

    int[] inppts_info = { 0, 0, 0 };

    //obtain matrix’s row and column, row means how many filled circle detected

    Err = Zvision.ZV_MATINFO(form.g_Handle, inppts, inppts_info);

    int row, col;

    row = (int)inppts_info[0];

    col = (int)inppts_info[1];

    //identify 9 filled circles by vision, it is consistent with circles in the calibration board

    if (row == 9)


        Err = Zvision.ZV_GRAYTORGB(form.g_Handle, grabimg, calibshowimg);

        //inppts sort and output, the sorted pixel coordinate matrix ppts

        Err = Zvision.ZV_CALGETPTSMAP(form.g_Handle, inppts, ppts, wpts, Convert.ToSingle(C_CalibDis.Text));

        Err = Zvision.ZV_MATINFO(form.g_Handle, ppts, inppts_info);

        row = (int)inppts_info[0];

        col = (int)inppts_info[1];

        if (row >= 9)


            uint i;


            for (i = 0; i < row; i++)


                //UI interface of pixel coordinates in the WinFrom is displayed

                string[] tempstr = new string[4];

                float[] outvalue = { 0, 0 };

                Zvision.ZV_MATGETROW(form.g_Handle, wpts, i, 2, outvalue);

                tempstr[2] = "0";

                tempstr[3] = "0";

                Zvision.ZV_MATGETROW(form.g_Handle, ppts, i, 2, outvalue);

                tempstr[0] = outvalue[0].ToString();

                tempstr[1] = outvalue[1].ToString();


                //in the original image, draw and identify filled circle, and mark, then show the image in the UI interface

                Zvision.ZV_MARKER(form.g_Handle, calibshowimg, outvalue[0], outvalue[1], 0, 40, 0, 255, 0);

                Zvision.ZV_TEXT(form.g_Handle, calibshowimg, i.ToString(), outvalue[0] - 20, outvalue[1] - 20, 40, 0, 255, 0);

                Zvision.ZV_LATCHCLEAR(form.g_Handle, 0);

                Zvision.ZV_LATCHSETSIZE(form.g_Handle, 0, Convert.ToUInt32(pictureBox5.Width), Convert.ToUInt32(pictureBox5.Height));                    pictureBox5.Image = Zvision.ZV_LATCH(form.g_Handle, calibshowimg, 0);





            MessageBox.Show("Extract Mark Failed!", "Hint");





        MessageBox.Show("Extract Mark Failed!", "Hint");




'Task No.: /

'Function of this function: camera calibration

'Input: /

'Output: /

'Returned Value: /

'Note: calculate conversion relation between pixel coordinates and world coordinates

'Note: obtain the center circle of calibration board’s world coordinate through teaching


private void CamCalib()


    //matrix row and column

    uint row, col;

    row = 9;

    col = 2;

    //get world coordinate’s matrix data from Ui interface

    float[] wPontsValue = new float[row * col];

    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)


        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)


            wPontsValue[col * i + j] = float.Parse(DataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[j + 2].Value.ToString());



    //regenerate world coordinate matrix

    Zvision.ZV_MATGENDATA(form.g_Handle, wpts, row, col, wPontsValue);

    //image coordinate matrix data

    float[] pPontsValue = new float[row * col];

    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)


        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)


            pPontsValue[col * i + j] = float.Parse(DataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString());



    //regenerate image coordinate matrix

    Zvision.ZV_MATGENDATA(form.g_Handle, ppts, row, col, pPontsValue);

    float[] outimginfo = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

    //get image information

    Zvision.ZV_IMGINFO(form.g_Handle, grabimg, outimginfo);

    //calibrate camera

    Zvision.ZV_CALCAM(form.g_Handle, ppts, wpts, ZmotionCalPara, (ushort)outimginfo[0], (ushort)outimginfo[1], (uint)Convert.ToInt32(C_CalibType.Text));

    float[] outcaliberror = { 0, 0, 0 };

    //get calibration error

    Zvision.ZV_CALERROR(form.g_Handle, ZmotionCalPara, ppts, wpts, outcaliberror);

    //if average error is less than 0.5, it is “Excellent”, if it is 0.5-1, it is “Good”, 1-1.5 is “Just”, if it is >1.5, better calibrate again.

    if (outcaliberror[0] >= 1.5)


        MessageBox.Show("Too Large Average Error, Please Calibrate Again”);




        //save calibration parameters

        Zvision.ZV_CALWRITE(form.g_Handle, ZmotionCalPara, form.CalFileDir);



After shape matching, it can obtain real word coordinate of matched target point according to calibration coefficient.


(3) How to Match Shape


A. Operation Steps


B. Relative Functions' Codes


'Task No.: /

'Function of this function: collect image by camera

'Input: /

'Output: /

'Returned Value: /         


public Image CameAcquisition()


    float Temp = 0;

    Image ImageBuff = null;

    Zvision.CAM_COUNT(form.g_Handle, ref Cam_Num);

    //select camera

    Zvision.CAM_SEL(form.g_Handle, 0);

    //collect one image


    //update belt position

    zauxBrr = zmcaux.ZAux_Direct_GetMpos(form.g_Handle, form.ConveyorAxisId, ref Temp);

    form.BeltMpos = Temp;

    //get collected image from camera buffer

    Zvision.CAM_GET(form.g_Handle, grabimg, 0);

    //convert RGB to gray

    Zvision.ZV_RGBTOGRAY(form.g_Handle, grabimg, grabimg);

    //clear latch data

    Zvision.ZV_LATCHCLEAR(form.g_Handle, 0);

    //set the latch size as image showing control’s size

    Zvision.ZV_LATCHSETSIZE(form.g_Handle, 0, Convert.ToUInt32(ImgShow1.Width), Convert.ToUInt32(ImgShow1.Height)); 

    //get the image in the latch

    ImgShow1.Image = Zvision.ZV_LATCH(form.g_Handle, grabimg, 0);

    //export obtained image information

    return ImgShow1.Image;


...... (remain, please refer to below Image)


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