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How to Expand IO & Analog Resources on Motion Control By ZMIO310-CAN Module

Hardware Controller ZMC408CE

ZMC408CE is one multi-axis high-performance EtherCAT motion controller, there are EtherCAT, EtherNET, RS232, CAN, and U disk communication interfaces.

It supports 8-axis motion control, but it can be up to 32 axes. Functions of linear interpolation, circular interpolation, space arc, helical interpolation, electronic cam, electronic gear, synchronous follow are valid.

For development, there are 3 programming methods (PLC, Basic, HMI) and main PC languages (C# C++ LabVIEW Matlab Qt Linux VB.Net Python) of Zmotion uniform API function library.


Except above functions, there are hardware comparison output, hardware timer, precision output in motion, PWM, etc., below video link can show you more.


ZMC408CE Video Description

In last article, we talked about how to use ZIO module to expand resources for motion control by CAN protocol. You can review the article here or watch the corresponding video desription here. And today, let's another CAN module, ZMIO310-CAN expansion module.

1. ZMIO310 Series Expansion Module

ZMIO310 series expansion module is one kind of vertical bus expansion module, which can digital IO, analog AD and DA through EtherCAT and CAN bus.

When controller IO, AD, DA and other resources are not enough, needed resources can be expanded by using coupler modules (ECAT, CAN communication modules) with other expansion sub-modules. Sub-module includes digital input DI module, digital output DO module, analog input AD module, and analog output DA modules.

For ZMIO310-CAN communication module, it can expand up to16 sub-modules (support mix-expansion). There are 6 DI modules, 6 DO modules, 3 AD modules, and 3 DA modules at most. But real numbers are limited according to each module's power consumption. For example, 6 DO, 6 DI, and 3 AD are expanded, only 1 DA module can be extended.

Coupler & Sub-Modules:


Today, we mainly talk about how to use ZMIO310-CAN & sub-module.

It can be seen below shows connection system graphic:


2. ZMIO310-CAN Communication Module Wiring


A. when there are multiple ZMIO310 communication modules on CAN bus, please connect all CAN modules' CANL to CANH separately ( connect CANL to CANL, connect CANH to CANH).

B. please connect a 120Ω terminal resistorin parallel to each end of the CAN bus for matching the circuit impedance and ensuring communication stability. That is, in controller side, one 120-ohm resistor is needed between CANL and CANH in parallel, and code 8 of the last ZMIO310-CAN communication module DIP switch should be dialed as ON, because it means one 120-ohm resistor is connected between two ends.

C. please use STP (Shielded Twisted Pair), and make sure the shielding layer is fully grounded.


D. controller main power's public end must be connected to ZMIO310-CAN communication module's power public end together, in this way, prevent the CAN chip from burning out.

E. this expansion module uses dual-power, so the coupler module (ZMIO310-CAN) uses one power, sub-module uses another power (when the power of power supply is enough, sub-module can use the same one power, but can't use the one same as coupler module).

F. when on-site wiring, pay attention to make the distance between strong current and weak current, it is recommended for the distance to be more than 20cm.

3. DIP Switch on ZMIO310-CAN Module


(1) Meaning of the 8-code DIP Switch

A. Code 1 - Code 4

These four codes are used to map IO address. The 4-code binary combination value corresponds to 0-15, the address combination value = dial 4 × 8 + dial code 3 × 4 + dial code 2 × 2+ dial code 1.


According to code address of ZMIO310-CAN communication module, the controller sets corresponding expansion module's IO staring address, AD and DA starting addresses. The initial IO mapping No. of the analog AD starts from 8 and increases in multiples of 8. The initial IO mapping No. of the analog DA starts from 4 and increases in multiples of 4.

Then, below form shows the No. distribution situation and corresponding relationship.


B. Code 5- Code 6

These two are used to set CAN communication speed, and corresponding values are 0-3. There are four kinds of speed, usually, default speed is OK. But when there is severe interference, reduce the speed. At the same time, CAN communication speed of controller (master station) must be set or modified as same as ZMIO310-CAN communication module speed, then they can communicate normally.

Speed combination value = dial code 6 × 2 + dial code 5×1, the combined value range is 0-3.

Below form shows corresponding communication speed:


C. Code 7

It is reserved for special function.

D. Code 8

When code 8 is ON, which means one 120-ohm resistor is connected between CANL and CANH in parallel. When there are several modules connected, only code 8 of last module needs to be ON.

E. Notes

Please check states of codes, their manufacture states may be ON.

Codes must be dialed before power-on, that is, redial after power on will not take effect.

Don't plug in and out when there is still hot in connection between ZMIO310-CAN communication module and sub-module.

(2) How to Set

A. CAN DIP Address Setting

For CAN address DIP, IO No. in the whole control system can't repeat. Controller local IO addresses can be checked through "controller--controller state--Zcan Nodes" in RTSys (ZDevelop).


Above is ZMC432 controller local digital IO and analog IO distribution. For ZCAN expansion module that extends digital IO, IO starting address of ZCAN expansion board must be larger than the max value 29 of IN No., at the same time, it also must be bigger than the max value 17 of OUT No., and CAN address dial code combination value must be equal to or more than 1 (check the corresponding value of the digital IO combination value).

B. CAN Communication Speed Setting

Generally, default value is enough. When all are dialed as OFF, now the default baud rate is 500kbps.

C. Special Function Reserved Setting

Generally, dial it as OFF.

D. 120 ohm Resistor Setting

The last one ZMIO310-CAN communication module's code 8 should be ON.

4. ZMIO310 Sub-Module Wiring Reference

(1) ZMIO310-16DI Digital Input

--NPN Type--


--PNP Type--


(2) ZMIO310-16DO/16DOP Digital Output

--NPN Type--


--PNP Type--


(3) ZMIO310-4AD Analog Input

--Voltage Input--


--Current Input--


(4) ZMIO310-4DA Analog Output

--Voltage Output--


--Current Output--


5. ZMIO310-CAN Expansion Module Functional Verification

(1) Check the LED on Module

After restarting, please observe whether the ERR LED is OFF. If the master station motion controller and slave expansion module communicate normally, LEDs of module should be POW [ON], Run [ON], ERR [OFF].


(2) Check No. Information

Each ZMIO310-CAN expansion module's IO starting No. and other information can be viewed clearly through "controller -- controller state -- Zcan Nodes" in RTSys (ZDevelop)


(3) Watch IO

IO can be watched and set through "tool -- IN / OP -- IO select" in RTSys (ZDevelop).


(4) Watch AD/DA

In RTSys (ZDevelop) "tool -- AD/DA", corresponding analog inputs and outputs information can be watched.

Analog input and output modules of ZMIO310 are 16-bit, therefore, please manually select 65535 as the max scale value. When analog input is spare, one certain value will be shown due to chip features, no need to note. But if you are sensitive to this, you can connect the analog ground, then observe.


6. How to Modify ZMIO310-CAN Module's Range

Range of ZMIO310-CAN communication module can be read and written.

A. How to Read

CANIO_INFO (canid, 17, moduleid) = range type No.

B. How to Write

?CANIO_INFO (canid, 17, moduleid)

--canid: DIP ID of expansion module (namely, combination value of code 1 - 4)

--moduleid: sub-module addresses are numbered from 0 according to the sequence of connection with coupler (start from the first one sub-module after coupler).

C. Range Types


D. How to Set

It only needs to send the command in "command and output" window in RTSys (ZDevelop), and also current sub-module analog range information can be checked here.


7. ZMIO Expansion Module Common Problems & Solutions

(1) Problem 1 & Solutions

--Problem 1--

LEDs of POW, RUN, and ERR all are ON, and the controller can't communicate. In addition, in "controller -- controller state -- Zcan Nodes" in RTSys (ZDevelop), expansion module information can't be viewed.


A. check the wiring

Refer to Chapter II wiring, check whether the wiring is normal, like, whether the cable is good quality (in good contact). And see whether the STP is used, the shielded layer can be grounded, and whether dual-power is used for expansion module.

B. check the code 8

See whether the 120ohn resistor is connected, and whether the last expansion module's code 8 is ON.

C. check DIP setting

See whether the dial code switch is set correctly, that is, no IO address conflict between local and other expansion modules.

D. check the environment

See whether there is an interference. Unplug all IO terminals, axis interfaces, and other wiring terminals of controller and expansion module, and power down all irrelevant devices, then power on again to see if it can communicate.

E. check the communication configuration

See whether controller is set as main station (CANIO_ADDRESS bit5 is set as 1, CANIO_ADDRESS=32), and see whether CAN communication baud rate and expansion module's baud rate are consistent. All details can be checked through "controller -- controller state -- communicationinfo in RTSys (ZDevelop).


F. check the hardware

See whether the hardware is burned out, change one controller one expansion module.

(2) Problem 2 & Solution

--Problem 2--

Some IO respond normally, but some are abnormal.


Please check whether IO No. range of each expansion module conflict, also, through "controller -- controller state -- Zcan Nodes" in RTSys (ZDevelop). If there is the conflict, please reset former 4 codes, and power on again.

(3) Problem 3 & Solutions

--Problem 3--

Analog output value of expansion module can't be read.


A. check the power wiring

DA module's power positive (E+24V) should be connected to power negative (EGND) to supply power for sub-module. Please refer to Chapter IV ZMIO310-4DA wiring.

B. check the range

Read current analog sub-module mode or range through ?CANIO_INFO, to see whether they meet the requirement. If not, use CANIO_INFO to modify.

8. ZMIO310 Expansion Module Commands

(1) CANIO_ADDERSS -- CAN Communication Setting


(2) CANIO_INFO -- CAN Expansion Board Information


(3) CANIO_ENABLE -- CAN Enable


(4) Video Teaching


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