Motion control can be expanded to 12 axes.

Pulse output mode: pulse / directional or dual pulses.

AXIS interface supports encoder position measurement, which can be configured as handwheel input mode.

There is one specialized handwheel input interface.

Maximum pulse frequency output of each axis: 10MHZ.

256 isolation inputs and 256 isolation outputs can be extended at most through CAN bus.

Axis position limit signal / origin signal port can be configured as any input at will.

The maximum output current of general digital outputs can reach 300mA, which can directly drive some kinds of solenoid valves.

Interfaces: RS232, Ethernet.

Support linear interpolation, any circular interpolation, helical interpolation of 12 axes at most.

Support point to point, electronic cam, linear interpolation, circular interpolation, continuous interpolation, robotic arm instructions.

Multi-file and multi-task programming in ZBasic.

A variety of program encryption methods to protect the intellectual property rights of customers.